What if… We start seeing our lives as a Continuous Stream of Endless Beauty? As a Sea of Infinite Potentials to Be Expressed according to the #Innocent Curiosity Heart’s Desire? How would our Lives Become if we gave Thanks for Every Blessing, and Offered in return Focused Presence in Awareness on allwe have Received in Gifts of Spirit? In Treasures of Earth? In Love? How would Life Become Experienced and Expressed if only, we shifted the Lens of Perception away from gloom, doom, mayhem, and all those people, places, and things that insist and teach the only outcome to be achieved in the human experience is one which atrophies, diminishes, dies, and apocalypses as we go forward in collective time? As I go forward on my own timeline, I see more Beauty, everywhere, I meet the kindest people, all over the world, am I’m currently on a ship with 6000+ other people from all over the world having one of the MOST breathtaking experiences I’ve ever had. No one is fussing. No one is fighting. No one is drunk or unruly. No one is calling names. No one is bullying. No one is talking shit about politics. No one is competing. Instead, they are coming together, saying hello, helping each other, shaping together a mostly positively profound, shared journey, that most of us will remember for the remainder of our time on Earth, and call upon, consciously or unconsciously to create future events in kinship and likemindedness to this way of being. How do I know? I listen to the energy, and I feel their laughter. I recognize something in them that is the same as I am In myself, with a deep sense of knowing that we are never going back to the ‘good old days’ of how things ‘used to be’. Thank God. This is BEIJO.
-- This inspired writing was received and recorded on 5/16/24 by Alexis BG upon viewing the coastline of Alaska for the first time, while observing the natural and magnificent beauty of Alaska, onboard Royal Caribbean's Quantum of the Seas. Image & Lyric: (c) Alexis Berna-Guzman, 2004, shared by BEIJO. Group, LLC with written permission from the artist.