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Alexis Bergan-Guzman

Essential Oil Blends to Enhance Breathwork and Stress Reduction

Updated: Aug 26, 2024

Lavendar is a popular choice when selecting essential oils that promote relaxation.

Here are our top picks to help facilitate breathwork practices. For your convenience, direct links to each product is found at out our Amazon Associates site, and included in this post.

Chill Pill by Aura Cacia

Medieval Mix by Aura Cacia

Those who love learning about the subtle energy technology associated with holistic health approaches, may find themselves wondering, "Ok, but why these?"

Both Chill Pill and Medieval Mix contain certain essential oils which have long been associated with therapeutic benefits to the nervous system, and body, in general. The bright essence of Sweet Orange, as well as the soothing woodsy scent of Lavendar, have long been popular allies to assist in stress relief and depression, and inflammation.

Is one better than the other?

When considering which blend to try, it is a good idea to look at all the ingredients to make sure there are no contraindications for the person using them. A contraindication is a medical condition or reason why a particular therapeutic intervention SHOULD NOT be used. Examples of common contraindications, include things like allergies and pregnancy, keeping in mind that many essential oils can be used safely and effectively by most people, and some essential oils are safe to use during pregnancy. A qualified health practitioner, who has aromatherapy knowledge, may be helpful in helping the individual select the right essential oil. For convenience, key ingredients for both blends are listed below:

Chill Pill: chamomile, basil, patchouli, and peppermint, sweet orange, lavendar.

Medieval Mix: lemon, tea tree oil, eucalyptus, and rosemary.

Which One is Right for Me?

Learning about essential oils can become a fun and inspiring way to approach and enhance personal health and self care practices. A number of books, including the Essential Oils Handbook, are written on this subject, and are valuable resources to have on hand. After considering the associated uses for each oil, and taken into account any relevant contraindications, the individual selection process continues. Ultimately, when selecting the right ones for a personal self-care tool box, it is essential that one embraces the opportunity to self discover, go within, and ask the question, "How do I FEEL when I smell this oil?" Pause, and listen to the body wisdom that surfaces in reply. Select accordingly. The right oil for you may not be a blend, it could be a single essential oil, which may or may not be listed in this blog article. However, you can be sure that inviting a process of genuine self-awareness will assist you in discovering which one is right for you, in the right time, and for the right circumstance.

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